Thursday, September 16, 2010

And Now You Know

I’m in the process of coming up with a TV ad for my client. The job is to promote Bushmill’s Irish Whiskey and a national competition they are running where 2 lucky suckers can win a trip to Ireland to see the World Heritage Site known as The Giants Causeway, right outside the Bushmill’s distillery.
Basically this giant honeycomb pattern of 40 000 basalt columns looks like something out of The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. It’s so cool though.

Legend has it that a guy – whose name I can’t pronounce, let alone spell – didn’t like one of the giants living on the island so he wanted to cross over to Scotland to escape him, but because he wasn’t really any good at swimming, he built himself a causeway to cross over the seas with. The end.

But then the scientists came along and said this is all a load of hogs wallop and the funny honeycomb-like structures smothering the Northern Ireland coastline is a result of a ginormous volcanic event occurring some 60 million years ago and erupting at such a tremendous speed that it created the cracked spherical shapes.


Phft! Looks to me like giant bumble bees once roamed the Earth.

And now you know.

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